You might do this when no one else is home. Reduce the volume. Your friends will ask if you’re ok. This method works! Tom Waits has been known to write songs using this technique. The music in this style is alacritous, with some elements left to chance. Song ideas can be found in the perfect storm.
If it worked for Tom Waits, then you should give it a shot. Listen to the radio, and you’ll find interesting overlaps. In the room I use to compose my music, there is a skylight. The view is very restricted, with only a small blue square and an occasional cloud, bird, or plane. This has taught me much more personalized gift about myself than any guide, manual, or walkthrough. It helps me think more clearly. It doesn’t have to be a window. You can choose anything quiet. Choose a tropical aquarium of fish or an intriguing piece of art.
It is important to remove yourself from constant distractions such as the computer, mobile phone, etc. You need to find some time for quiet. Sign up for a free LANDR account and browse the exclusive samples. You can experiment with many genres. Whether you’re interested in electronic music, R&B, Pop, Country, Rock, R&B Trap, etc., there are plenty of options. LANDR offers so many different sounds. Just browse and choose a few that you like. Then arrange them on your DAW for a new composition.
The Creator tool from LANDR Samples makes it simple to mix and combine samples. The tool will time stretch and pitch shift up to eight different loops in the key and BPM you select. It is the best way to see how different loops sound when played together. This is a good tool to sketch ideas or experiment with different arrangements.
Once you’re happy with your Creator loop, arrange it in your DAW. The writer is asked to take four lines from a poem and use them as markers to make a brand-new composition. Use four lines of Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire” as the first, second, or third line of your verse. You must fill in the blanks between each verse. Only if you can do this can you “hide” or personalize your verses. It might be too much to do for a whole day. You HAVE to speak to put down your earth-shattering voice of pure genius. It is enough to let your mind reset itself with an hour’s silence.
You may not realize it, but talking requires a lot of brain power. You will be in the best place to start writing if you put it on hold for a while. All those feelings and memories will be brought to your forefront during that quiet time. All those great thoughts can be turned into songs. Take a moment to be silent and stop talking. Allow your mind to do all the work and you will find the inspiration that you require.